Year 6 Morpurgo are taught by Miss B. Fryer
Welcome to Class 6!
We are a class of 30 awesome pupils. Everyone in our class is warm, welcoming, friendly and, of course, loves a challenge!
Who helps us to learn?
''I am Mrs McLoughlin. I support the children in Class 6 with their learning . I have 3 grown up boys and I am a musician. When I am not at Mosley, I teach music which I am very passionate about.''
Information about our Class:
PE lessons are on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning – please send children in their correct kit with hair tied back and any jewellery removed.
In Class 6 children are free readers, therefore they are able to select their own reading material. We do, however, have an enormous selection of amazing books available to borrow in our class library. Children must also be encouraged to record their reads in their diaries. After 25 reads, children can achieve their reading badges!
Spellings are due into school on Wednesdays and tested the same day. New spellings will be given out each week.
Times tables tests are held on Wednesdays and time to practise TT Rock stars is given, although this should also be accessed at home regularly.
Arrival time is between 8:40am and 8:50am. Collection time is 3:30pm
Our learning this term is...
Useful resources to help at home: interactive maths practise linked to Year 6 objectives - maths - SPaG - a helpful website with information for parents/carers KS2 English - Crystal Explorers KS2 Maths - Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica