School Parliament
An important part of our school is our 'School Parliament'.
We meet Mrs Parker-Twells on Monday lunchtimes to talk about our school, what we like about it and what things we would like to improve.
In the past we have also helped to interview new members of staff and we are really good at this! We ask difficult questions! We even interviewed for the new Headteacher to our school in the Autumn term of 2021.
We represent the school at the Anslow Remembrance Service every year, and we meet and greet special visitors to our school. We have done readings in Church and laid a wreath for the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War.
School Parliament helps us to learn about democracy and voting, as we all vote for our class reps. We also vote for our Prime Minister after the candidates have given a speech in assembly. All the children vote and put it in a ballot box in the hall. The child with the most votes becomes our Prime Minister for the year, and the person with the next number of votes becomes Deputy Prime Minister.