Our Academy Aims and Values
Our School Motto is 'Be the best that you can be!'
Aims of our school
Working in partnership with pupils, parents and staff our school aims to promote a secure and happy environment, in which each child can achieve – physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
- To give each child teaching and learning experiences which will excite, inform, stimulate and enthuse them, and prepare them for the challenges of adult life.
- To have high expectations of the children so that they will become resourceful, resilient and independent with a positive attitude to school life.
- To foster confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline.
- To develop a community which exercises care and respect for others, both inside the school and in the wider community.
- To fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum through a creative approach which promotes deep learning and critical thinking.
- To develop an understanding of the world and an empathy with of other races, religions and ways of life.
- To promote respect, democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and tolerance.
For more details on our curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact, please read our Curriculum Statement linked at the bottom of this page.
Whole School Values
In the Summer Term of 2022 we introduced our whole school values. We consulted staff, children, governors and our wider community about which values are important to them and which values we should have at the centre of our school community.
Happiness, Resilience, Acceptance, Independence, Kindness and Honesty were the top choices.
Each term we will be focussing on one of these values throughout school life.
When you visit our school, we hope that you can spot these in all that we do!