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Prospective Parents Tour

The Local Authority are the admission officers for the school. Therefore if you wish to apply for a Reception place for September 2024 you need to contact the Local Authority Admissions Department on 01785 278593. We encourage you to make on line applications at:

If you wish your child to start school here in September, please email the school office with your details so that we can invite you to any upcoming school tours.

If your child is offered a place at The Mosley Academy you will receive notification during the April before they are due to begin school. We will write to you and invite you to bring your child to our induction sessions.  You will also get the opportunity to meet your child's teacher.

At the iinduction sessions we will talk to you about your child's first year at Mosley and there will be an opportunity for you to order school uniform and to ask any questions.

Following this meeting, if you feel you need to talk to us privately about your child, you may make an appointment to meet with the Headteacher and class teacher or SENDCO.