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School Admissions and Transport Service

2, Staffordshire Place


ST16 2DH

Telephone:  0300 111 8007


October 2023

School Tours available on Wednesday 15th November 2023 at 10am or 1:30pm and on Friday 24th November 2023 at 10am.  Please contact the school office on 01283 247465 or email:

Dear Parent/Carer


To be sure of receiving an offer on national offer day please apply online through our website from 01 November 2023.

The online system will ask for a UID number – please click ‘No UID’, this will allow you to continue with your application.

You will need to make your application by 15 January 2024 and your child will receive an offer of a reception place on national offer day 16 April 2024.

All the information you need about the admissions process within Staffordshire is available on our web pages.

Please be sure to read the reverse of this letter and use our "school search and compare" facility on the Staffordshire website.  You can also check if your child will be eligible for free home to school transport by visiting

You must apply for all schools that you would prefer your child to attend including schools outside of Staffordshire or grammar schools. You will need to check the admissions arrangements for each school you are interested in to see what priority will be given to your application and whether you should provide additional information or a supplementary form with your online application.

If you do not make an application your child will be disadvantaged as children whose parents/carers have applied will be given priority for popular schools.

You must apply even if you have an elder child already attending the school (or affiliated Junior). No priority is given in the admission process because your child is currently in a nursery class and there is no guarantee that they will be allocated a place at the school at which they currently go to nursery.

If there are other persons with parental responsibility for your child, who are not living at your home address, it is  expected that you will jointly agree on school places before an application is made. The local authority is not able to intervene in disputes between parents over school applications and will request that these are resolved privately.

If you require any assistance or further information, please call us on the telephone number above.

Yours faithfully

School Admissions and Transport Service

Important points to remember

  • You must apply by 15 January 2024.  Last year there were nearly 700 late applications which may have affected the outcome of these applications.

  • You must make an application, even if you have an elder child attending your preferred school.

  • You are strongly advised to make more than one preference.  Failure to do so could have repercussions in terms of the distance your child is required to travel to school.

  • You will not gain an advantage by only listing one preference and this could affect your chances of being allocated a place at a local school within a reasonable distance from your home address.  Do not list the same school three times.

  • All applications are considered at the same time.  Priority is not given to those who put the school as a first preference, or on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

  • List the schools in the order that you would most prefer them and not the order you think you might get them.

  • The order in which you list the schools is only used if you can be offered more than one school.  In this case, you will be offered whichever of those schools is ranked highest in your application.

  • Be realistic about the schools you apply for.  It is recommended that you include your catchment school as one of your preferences, as otherwise your child may not be considered for a place.

  • Understand the admission arrangements for each of your preferences.  This will enable you to assess what order of priority will be given for each school.

  • Check the admission arrangements for your preferred schools as you may be required to provide additional information or submit a supplementary form.  It is your responsibility to provide any supportive information e.g. baptismal certificate.  The Local Authority will not seek to obtain this information on your behalf.

  • Consider how your child will get to school.  Very few children are entitled to free or discounted home to school travel assistance.  You can check if your child is entitled by visiting

  • You will be notified of your child's offer on 16 April 2024 and not before.