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JTMAT 'Stars in the Spotlight' 2024

'Stars In The Spotlight' - Drama Excellence at the Lichfield Garrick!

On Tuesday 14th May 2024 Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mrs Travers took 17 children from years 1, 2, 4 and 5 to the Lichfield Garrick Theatre for the JTMAT ‘Stars in the Spotlight’ Drama Excellence competition. Each class group had spent the last few weeks writing and rehearsing a poem based on the JTMAT values of Courage (Y1), Curiosity(Y2), Resilience (Y4) and Collegiality (Y5). Not only did the children perform their poems beautifully for the judging panel of theatre professionals, they showed wonderful manners, behaviour and attitudes throughout. We were especially proud of the fact that they volunteered to perform first, and of the insightful questions they asked the panel. Well done to all of you. Although we did not win on this occasion, our Y5 group received a special mention from the judges and you should all be incredibly proud of yourselves!